Hi, my name is Taylor Whitesel. I attended West Springfield High School and will be swimming for the Spartans.
I chose this field because I love everything that it has to offer. I love creating things that are unique from everyone else and making nothing into something. I am a very visual learner and I think that is partially the reason I like graphic design and things related to it. I do however like coding (which in my opinion is not very visual:) ). I have taken classes and watched videos on many different types of coding and html is definitely my favorite. I really hope we do and create things that are related into that field. I love creating websites as well. I love making things work and function on all of my website creations. I actually used dreamweaver before I used photoshop, but since photoshop allows you to create incredible templates, photoshop was no stranger to my computer. Messing around with it over the past few years made me realize how much i truly love it. It's so cool to think of all the capabilities that one program can do. I mean, literally billions of different design choices and edits can be made with this program and I wish I could learn all of them. I love learning new things with different types of software and then trying to teach it to others. Since the rest of my family doesn't really like the things that I do, I recently decided to post tutorial videos on YouTube regarding many different types of programs ranging from website and photo editors such as Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and Fireworks to video editing programs such as Sony Vegas and After affects. It's cool to see the videos grow and me actually being able to make money from them via google adsense. This was the first taste of me getting paid for something that I love doing. That's what I really want out of this major. Aside from the many opportunities I will get and the many abilities and features that I will learn, the idea to have a job that one loves and is willing to wake up every morning to do is something that I truly long for.
My name is Taylor and I can not wait to start a new adventure here at the University of Tampa.